Laura was appointed to the Commission in January 2020, and elected to the position on November 2, 2021.

She has a history of building community in our city, and has a combination of education, community involvement and work experience that makes her uniquely qualified for the position. She is a professional engineer with a Master’s of Civil Engineering focusing on hydraulics and hydrology, and a Master’s of Public Administration. Laura has been a leader in non-profit community organizations for over 30 years, and was the chair of the Federal Way Parks Commission.
She and her husband Steve have lived in Federal Way for over 35 years, raising 6 children, and have family history in the area going back to early 1900’s. Her family loves swimming, boating, canoeing, hiking and camping near streams and beaches.
Laura is passionate about water. Hydraulics and hydrology were her chosen field of training, the emphasis of her engineering degrees and the focus of her professional engineering work. She brings her engineering perspective to the board. The often unseen efforts of good engineering and planning are essential for the reliable water and sewer service that we all enjoy.
She also values helping others to learn. She is an educator and founded a non-profit education service. She believes that the more people understand about their water and sewer service the more they will appreciate it and contribute to making it better. She is committed to promote opportunities for learning about the utility through our schools and community gatherings.
Laura has also been very involved in the Federal Way community, leading various non-profit organizations for over thirty years. She has been active chairing the Federal Way Park’s Commission, singing in a regional choir that does benefit concerts, and assisting her son’s Boy Scout troop. She knows that serving builds community and increases appreciation, communication, and understanding. She encourages everyone to give at least an hour of their week volunteering, and participating in community. As a Commissioner, she leads the non-profit special purpose government water and sewer utility as a public servant, and is motivated to provide great service and maintain our assets with reasonable rates.
“City leadership challenged our Advancing Leadership class to be available and willing to serve our community. I am excited to serve on the Lakenhaven Water and Sewer Board of Commissioners as one of the ways I serve Federal Way.”